Pricing options

Gain access to over 700 hours of content, 3 live classes a week, and so much more.

  • $2,499.00

    Take advantage of payment and financing options such as PayPal, CashApp, Affirm, Klarna, and more!

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  • 3 Monthly Payments of $865

    3 Monthly Payments

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  • 6 Monthly Payments of $475

    6 Monthly Payments

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Sample Class Schedules

The average annual salary is over $200,000, a more than 10% increase in the past year.

Every day you aren’t hired you are losing more. Let us help you get hired faster and accelerate your career with our cloud training.

We have helped countless professionals, and we can help you too! 

Our Cloud Architect Career Development Program focuses on helping you get your first cloud architect job by bridging the gap between what employers desire and where you are today. 

We not only focus on the cloud architect training from a technical aspect, but also the equally important soft skills required of a modern business professional. Studies show that these soft skills result in an average of 30% higher rate of pay.

Our Program is designed to transform your career and to help you get hired with a higher salary! The program includes over 700 hours of content, consisting of live sessions, recorded sessions, on-demand content, and labs.

Enroll Today and Change Your Life

Gain access to over 700 hours of content, 3 live classes a week, and so much more.

Interested in the Program WITHOUT Live Classes?

Get all the same content, except live classes, for half the price!

Want to Super Charge Your Architect Career

Get the Elite Cloud Architect Bundle and save nearly 50% on exclusive training content, including the Cloud Architect Career Development Program, Tech Leadership Development Program, Tech Interview Mastery Program, and more!